Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Last class...but not last harvest

We had our last gardening class today.  We took down all of our trellising materials and pulled all of the little stakes up.

I got to harvest lots of mature, green tomatoes!  I will put them in a bag with a piece of fruit to help them ripen.  I also harvested one eggplant, one cucumber, and two zucchini.

I'll be coming back, hopefully, to harvest my sunflowers, marigolds, snap peas, peppers, and other vegetables that might make their appearance or ripen, soon.

This class has definitely been so helpful and fun.  I wanted to learn how to garden better...to learn some tips and really experience what it was like to take care of a garden well.  What did it take to have a successful garden?!  I definitely have come away with a lot of experience and more knowledge in the arena of agriculture and gardening. 

I didn't realize that fertilizing was so helpful.  I also didn't realize that plant diseases could spread, like human diseases do.  I thought that all pesticide was really poisonous and harmful, but learned that BT and Neem weren't super harmful to humans.
When we talked about hybrid seeds I learned that you didn't want to harvest the seeds to plant in the future...something I never knew!
It was so interesting learning about the parts of the plants that we eat.
Onions and garlic are leaves!  And Potato is a stem!  

I also learned that when a label has "organic" on it, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is 100% organic.

So glad I took this class!  I am looking forward to having more successful gardens in the future!